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Thanksgiving 2022


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We got COVID and has to cancel our original plans. Thankfully it was very mild for all of us (yay science and 💉💪) so we made a Thanksgiving meal. Dessert is its own page[@rev] (and made the next day).

We had actually bought a meatless turkey at Trader Joes. It was their version of Tofurkey but better with its breading. We bought this just to have but decided to make it as our main turkey since I am the only real turkey eater.

The main thing I made was NYTimes Thanksgiving Stuffing[@rev]1. I used Trader Joes Corn Bread and really tried to stay true to the recipe. My biggest complaints were that (a) No guidance on salt and pepper (I am okay with a starting point and adjust to taste but this was nothing) and (b) too much fennel. Overall, it was fine but not exceptional. I don't think I would hurry to try this recipe again. It wasn't too hard though.

Meredith made Pomegranate, Kale and Wild Rice Salad with Walnuts and Feta[@rev] with power greens instead of kale.

She also made cranberry sauce based on Very Basic Cranberry Sauce [The Kitchn][@rev] but her recipe was:

I also made oven roasted potatoes with butter and garlic.

  1. Originally from this article. See the local recipe[@rev] for a PDF version